Bronson Holden

14 days ago

You know my life is dull when I get excited about putting a contact lens in on the first try

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Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

A spider just appeared right in front of my face. It sank down from the ceiling on a web strand and dangled between me and my laptop. Creepy little buggers.

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

My git discipline for this project has been really poor. Commit after commit with the message "Update" and nothing else. I guess I'm just too eager to actually push out the change to care.

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

Lifetime 1min power PR yesterday. Apparently the key to bicycle fitness is pancakes.

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

108 miles on the bike yesterday! That was a lot of fun. Passed through the bike leg of a triathlon I didn't know was going on. Turned back by a road closure about 60 miles in.

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Taryn Powers

about 2 years ago

First day back in the office after having Covid. #mondayblues

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

Bashed my head against Apple Sign-In integration all day. Fun.

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

Got an espresso machine to feed my caffeine habit

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Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

My white cycling shoes are both the coolest and most annoying pieces of equipment I have.

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

Crushed today's workout. Looks like stopping my calorie deficit and eating properly is helping a lot!

Bronson Holden

about 2 years ago

Picked up lunch at Thai Recipe, which is parked just outside my apartment. Hooooly smokes that's some good food.